Saturday, March 01, 2008

My Other Personal Links
- Feeling A Little Sinister - My Daily Journal
- Pursuing the Esoteric - My Travel Journal
- On the Surface of Depth - Prose and Poetry
- My Personality Test Results!
- My Music Personality!
- Check Out My Morality! - I'm 79% Liberal and 21% Conservative
- Check out my blirtatiousness! - My Communication Style and, somehow, how that translates into relationships....?
Just for Fun
Links To My Friends Blogs
- The Philosophical Muses of Luerelle St. Laurent"
- Rosa Rules
- Soltei As Palavras (It helps if you can read Portuguese)
- William Fuentes.Com - A blog of Friends
Other Links
Previous Posts
- The Nature of Maps
- Painting - Purachute Flowers
- Sketch - Small House
- Sketch - Spanish Village (Spain)
- Sketch - Arc de Triumph (Paris, France)
- Sketch - Piazza Campo (Siena, Italy)
Some Favorite Quotes
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." -- Ambrose Redmoon
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage." -- Lao-Tzu
"But if you are feeling sinister - Go off and see a minister - But chances are you’ll probably feel better - If you stayed and played with yourself" -- Belle & Sebastian
Feeling a little sinister, too?
Email me about it, and if I like it, I'll post it!My Photography
Visit Pursuing the Esoteric for more travel photography

Sunflower and Grasshopper

Monterey Coastline

Blue Trees

Beach with Kites

Path Through Portola